Monday, July 21, 2008

And now for one of the manlier names in baseball...

So yesterday I made my picks for the day in the AL. I went 2 for 7. Not so hot. Please don't use my preferences in baseball outcomes as betting advice. In fact, betting on baseball is rather silly if you ask me. Sure, there's odds and all who has a chance of winning, but seriously, it's baseball. Anyone can win on any given day, no matter who is pitching. There's 162 games. Not gonna win 'em all.

Anyways, so the Twins lost 1-0 yesterday. That one run? Courtesy of Taylor Teagarden.

Teagarden got his first career hit, a solo home run, off of Scott Baker in the bottom of the 6th, breaking up Baker's perfect game, no hitter, and shutout. As you can see from the picture Teagarden played for the US National Team in 2004. That would have been the 2004 US Olympic baseball team, had they qualified for the Olympics...

Anyways, Taylor Teagarden may be one of my favorite names in baseball (asides from Asian players with cool names; I'm talking purely goofy names), alongside Milton Bradley and Coco Crisp.

I miss Stubby Clapp.

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